<<Si he logrado ver más lejos, ha sido porque me he subido a hombros de gigantes>> (Isaac Newton)







PROPOSED EXERCISES (with solutions)
Mathematics 2nd E.S.O.
Last updated 27 Abril, 2024
INTEGERS, POWERS and ROOTS INTEGERS 62 pages of worksheets on absolute value and opposite of an integer, operations with integers (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and combined operations). Powers and roots of integers. Divisibility: multiples and divisors, prime numbers, LCM and GCF. Word problems on LCM and GCF.
FRACTIONS FRACTIONS 26 pages of exercises on equivalent and irreducible fractions, comparison of fractions, operations with fractions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and combined operations). Percentage problems. Word problems on fractions.
DECIMALS DECIMALS 32 pages of exercises on comparison of decimals, decimal expression of a decimal, types of decimals and their corresponding fractions, operations with decimals (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and combined operations), square root and approximations, scientific notation, word problems involving decimals.
NUMERICAL PROPORTIONALITY and PERCENTAGES PROPORTIONALITY 15 pages on direct proportionality problems, direct rule of three, inverse proportionality problems, inverse rule of three, word problems on proportionality and percentages.
POLYNOMIALS DECIMALS 31 pages of worksheets on algebraic language, combined operations with monomials and polynomials, numerical value, taking out a common factor, notable products...
1st DEGREE EQUATIONS EQUATIONS and SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS 188 first-degree equations of all kinds, even with brackets and denominators.
2nd DEGREE EQUATIONS 227 second-degree equations of different types: with brackets, denominators, notable products, factored and factorable equations, etc.
SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS 93 2x2 and 3x3 simultaneous first-degree equations of all kinds, even with brackets and denominators.
WORD PROBLEMS on EQUATIONS 61 word problems leading to 1st degree equations (35 problems), 2nd degree equations (11 problems) and simultaneous equations (15 problems).


Problems on Thales theorem graphical verification, Thales’ theorem applications, word oblems on Thales’ Theorem, Similarity, Pythagoras’ theorem, Areas of triangles and quadrilaterals, Areas of regular polygons and circular shapes, Area word problems, Problems about volumes and surface areas of solids, Volume and surface area word problems, etc.
NETS of SOLIDS Nets of the most common solids: cube, prisms and pyramids, orthohedron, cylinder, cone...
PROBABILITY PROBABILITY 56 exercises on Probability: Elementary probability. Laplace’s rule. Probability of the U and ∩ of events. Probability of compound events. Probability of compound events without replacement. Dependent events. Probability using Venn diagrams, etc.
STATISTICS STATISTICS 24 exercises with solutions of categorical, quantitative discrete or quantitative continuous variables, frequencies and tables, statistical graphs (histogram, column graph, polygon of frequencies, pie chart...), central parameters (mean, median and mode) and dispersion parameters (range and mean deviation).


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    I welcome your feedback:  alfonsogonzalopez@yahoo.ess






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