<<Si he logrado ver más lejos, ha sido porque me he subido a hombros de gigantes>> (Isaac Newton)







Mathematics for Academic Studies 4º E.S.O.
Last updated  22 Julio, 2022


26 exercises of combined operations (sums, products, quotients, nested brackets...) with fractions (with solutions).
FRACTIONS IN ROW (II) 20 exercises of combined operations (sums, products, quotients, nested brackets...) with fractions (with solutions).
STACKED FRACTIONS (I) 17 exercises of combined operations (sums, products, quotients, nested brackets...) with stacked fractions (with solutions).
STACKED FRACTIONS (II) 18 exercises of combined operations (sums, products, quotients, nested brackets...) with stacked fractions (with solutions).
STACKED FRACTIONS (III) 14 exercises of combined operations (sums, products, quotients, nested brackets...) with stacked fractions (with solutions).
REAL NUMBERS REAL NUMBERS 35 exercises about representing and comparing IR numbers, corresponding fraction of a decimal, classification of IR numbers, intervals, etc. (with solutions).
POWERS POWERS 24 exercises about combined operations with powers, scientific notation, etc. (with solutions).
RADICALS RADICALS 25 exercises about simplifying & comparing radicals, combined operations with radicals, rationalization of denominators, etc. (with solutions).
LOGARITHMS LOGARITHMS 24 exercises about logarithmic calculus, word problems on logarithms, etc. (with solutions).
EQUATIONS & SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS EQUATIONS 94 exercises about 1st degree equations and simultaneous 1st degree equations, 2nd degree equations, equations with the unknown on the denominator, biquadratic equations, irrational equations, simultaneous 2nd degree equations, word problems on equations & simultaneous equations, etc. (with solutions).
POLYNOMIALS ALGEBRA 53 exercises about numerical value of P(x), combined operations with polynomials, extracting common factor, notable products, power of a binomial, quotients of polynomials, Ruffini's rule, polynomial remainder theorem, factor theorem, factorising a polynomial using Ruffini's rule, etc. (with solutions).
NOTABLE PRODUCTS 50 exercises involving notable products (with solutions).
ALGEBRAIC FRACTIONS 11 exercises about simplification of algebraic fractions and combined operations with algebraic fractions (with solutions).
INEQUATIONS INEQUATIONS 27 exercises about 1st degree, 2nd degree and higher degree polynomial inequations, factored inequations, systems of 1st degree inequalities, rational inequalities, and word problems on inequations, equations and simultaneous equations (with solutions).
TRIGONOMETRY TRIGONOMETRY 95 exercises on degrees and radians, trigonometric ratios, trigonometric identities, resolution of right-angled & oblique triangles, trigonometry word problems, and problems of volumes and surface areas of solids (with solutions).
FUNCTIONS FUNCTIONS 79 exercises about graphs of funtions, domain of a function, properties deduced from the graph of a function, interpreting graphs, direct proportionality function, linear function, explicit form, implicit or general form & point-slope form of a straight line, graphical resolution of inequations and systems of inequations, parabolas, real life problems involving linear functions and parabolas, hyperbolas (Inverse proportionality function), and piecewise-defined functions (with solutions).
VECTORS VECTORS 62 exercises on operations with vectors, parallelism of vectors, linear combinations, length of a vector, straight lines and vectors, bearing problems, displacement vectors, etc. (with solutions).
STATISTICS STATISTICS 24 exercises of frequencies and tables, statistical graphs, central and dispersion parameters, etc. (with solutions).
PROBABILITY PROBABILITY 45 exercises involving elementary probability & Laplace’s rule, probability of the U and ∩ of events, probability of compound events, independent & dependent events, probability using Venn diagrams, conditional probability, etc. (with solutions).


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    I welcome your feedback:  alfonsogonzalopez@yahoo.ess






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