<<Si he logrado ver más lejos, ha sido porque me he subido a hombros de gigantes>> (Isaac Newton)








Mathematics 1 st E.S.O.

Last updated 31 Agosto, 2023
Math symbols A list of more than 50 most commonly used mathematical symbols (∩, ∀, ∃, ⇒, etc.) & Greek alphabet.
Sieve of Erathostenes A list of prime numbers less than 1000 (Sieve of Erathostenes).
Corresponding fractions, powers & roots Formulas of corresponding fractions of decimals. Laws of indices & roots. notable products..
Formulae of surface areas and volumes Complete list of the formulae of surface areas and volumes of the most common shapes.

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     I welcome your feedback:  alfonsogonzalopez@yahoo.ess





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