Mathematical language | How to express all kind of numbers, decimals, percentages, fractions, operations, etc. |
Math symbols | A list of more than 50 most commonly used mathematical symbols (∩, ∀, ∃, ⇒, etc.) & Greek alphabet. |
Corresponding fractions, powers & roots | Formulas of corresponding fractions of decimals. Laws of indices & roots. notable products.. |
Sieve of Erathostenes | A list of prime numbers less than 1000 (Sieve of Erathostenes). |
Straight lines and parabolas summary | A summary of the core concepts about straight lines (slope, y-intercept, etc) and parabolas, and their corresponding graphical explanations. |
Formulae of surface areas and volumes | Complete list of the formulae of surface areas and volumes of the most common shapes. |
Steps for solving Probability problems | Steps and formulas for solving Probability problems. |
Most commonly used funtions and their graphs | Algebraic expressions and plots of the most representative functions (straight lines, parabolas, hyperbolas, absolut value, etc) and their graphs. |
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