<<Si he logrado ver más lejos, ha sido porque me he subido a hombros de gigantes>> (Isaac Newton)








Mathematics for Academic Studies 4º E.S.O.

Last updated   22 Julio, 2022
Math symbols A list of more than 50 most commonly used mathematical symbols (U, ∀, ∃, ⇒, etc.) & Greek alphabet.
Sieve of Erathostenes A list of prime numbers less than 1000 (Sieve of Erathostenes).
Corresponding fractions, powers, roots & logarithms Formulas of corresponding fractions of decimals. Laws of indices, roots & logarithmic calculus. Notable products.
Trigonometry Most used formulas on Trigonometry.
Straight lines, parabolas & hyperbolas summary A summary of the core concepts about straight lines (slope, y-intercept, etc), parabolas & hyperbolas, and their corresponding graphical explanations.
Most commonly used funtions and their graphs Algebraic expressions and plots of the most representative functions (straight lines, parabolas, hyperbolas, absolut value, trigonometric functions, etc) and their graphs.
Steps for solving probability problems A summary scheme including the most used formulas and tips for solving probability problems.
Formulae of surface areas and volumes Complete list of the formulae of surface areas and volumes of the most common shapes .

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     I welcome your feedback:  alfonsogonzalopez@yahoo.ess





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